Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Another sunny day here on Fidalgo Bay. Us doggies spent some time this morning on the grass soaking up the sun and the terrific bunny rabbit smells. I'm sad to say that Gianni isn't feeling well, so he wasn't in the mood to walk this morning. He's has to go to the veterinarian when we get to Whidbey Island on Friday. Hopefully, he will be feeling tip top soon.

Today the humans took another bike ride, this time in the other direction along the bike path and over the bay on a long wooden bridge. There were a bunch of people standing in the middle of the bridge looking down at the water. They stopped to see what was so interesting in the water. It was a pair of otters eating crabs.
They were diving up and down in the water fishing for breakfast.

After lunch we were all outside when a bald eagle flew right over us and landed in a pine tree. It was just sitting there looking at the water, when another bald eagle flew into another tree right next to the first one.

Kathe got out her cell phone and got this picture when one of the eagles flew down into the bay and picked up a fish and flew back into the tree. If you look really close you can see the fish in his beak. We have seen eagles before, but never two of them at once, and never this close up.

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