Monday, July 13, 2020


There are so many things I like about this place. The rabbits, birds, and gophers for a start, and a large grassy place for me to walk and explore right out of my front door. If Kathe would only get a basket for her bicycle, then I could explore a lot more as she rides along. Of course she has to get more confident on the bicycle before that could happen. She does seem to be able to stay vertical most of the time, so that's a step in the right direction.

Today's adventure was a bike ride on the path along the bay. It's called a ribbon of green because the trees grow right up to the shore of the bay. It was a five mile ride to Anacortes and back. As you can see from this picture it was a really nice flat, paved trail along the bay under the trees. Everyone enjoyed the ride.

Once they arrived in Anacortes, they checked out where the whale watching boat is docked. They have reservations for a cruise tomorrow and hope to see some whales in the waters around San Juan Island. 

They stopped in Anacortes at Anthony's for lunch at the marina before riding back to the RV Resort. The restaurant was only open for outside dining and here is a picture of the view that they enjoyed while eating lunch.

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