Thursday, July 2, 2020


We really like this park. I've been here before with Kathe and Jim and I remember everything! I had to pull Kathe along and show her where the dog park was, because she forgot. I'd never forget a thing like that!  I love our site, lots of beautiful soft green grass. A pleasure for all of us after the sand and pine needles of the last place at the beach. Had a little mishap last night with the sprinklers though. Who would have thought that they would be on full blast at 11:30 at night. I really got SOAKED. I didn't mind it one bit but Kathe had to get a towel and dry me off before I could get back into bed. I guess you can't have soft green grass without a little water.

Today was a another slow one, I'm surprised there are any pictures at all to show you. These are pictures of the RV Park. The sun finally came out at about 2:00. Today was wash the sheets and towels day, so of course it was also time for a bath for me. These things always come in threes. I guess having a wet dog in bed with you might have something to do with it.

The humans went into Old Town McMinnville for the Farmers Market and to do some shopping on Main Street. The fruits and vegetables and artisan breads at the market were delicious looking, so they stocked up. The Main Street stores were open for business and almost everyone in town was taking precautions and wearing face coverings.

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