Thursday, July 9, 2020


It started to rain this morning just after my morning walk. I took Kathe out extra early this morning at 5:30, so she missed the worst of it. Rain on the roof of a motor home is like Chinese water torture, but only if you can hear it. Note to self: it's not so bad being deaf, no fireworks, and no pounding rain drops!  So, I was just snoring away until they shook me awake for my breakfast.

Anyway, the rain kind of put a hiccup in the plans for the day. Of course Warren had an alternative plan, shopping at a specialty market called Tacoma Boys.  According to my humans they had too many delicious things. They spent about an hour just looking at all the fresh local fruit and unusual foods. They could only buy a few things because of course they still had to go to the farmers market later in the day. There is absolutely no more room in the refrigerator or freezer. This is a picture of Gig Harbor this afternoon. It's still gloomy and gray.

There has been another glitch in our plans. The Washington State Parks sent us a notice that our reservation at Yakima State Park has been cancelled. Another scramble to find a new find Park for those dates! We quickly found a place to stay in Prosser, Washington. Just one more adventure!

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