Wednesday, July 8, 2020


We left Wilsonville at the crack of 10:30 this morning because we knew we had a long drive today. It was about 170 miles to Gig Harbor and most of the drive was on the I-5. There was a lot of traffic and big rigs traveling through the Portland area and the highway was bumpy so I was standing up in
my crate most of the way.

The drive took us over about 5 different bridges to get here, the most beautiful one was the Tacoma Narrows bridge. We were following Warren and Kathy when I took this picture of them crossing the bridge.

The Gig Harbor RV Park where we are staying is in the middle of a forest of tall trees, and far enough away from town that it's really, really quiet.  We did run into some friends here from our motor home club who were escaping from Los Angeles like we are. It's a small world! They have been here a few days and report that there is nothing to do here but relax. Apparently, due to Covid everything is closed. That's fine with us we will just chill out!

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