Monday, July 1, 2013

Dam Hike

That's where they hiked today, the Gorge Powerhouse, the site of the first dam on the Skagit River.  The original dam was built of logs and was only nine feet high.  The existing dam is 300 feet high and 670 feet wide.  The trail takes you from the dam across the river on a pedestrian bridge and onto a path that leads to the Ladder Creek Falls and Rock Garden.  The garden path was opened as a tourist attraction in the 1920's and climbs up to the top of Ladder Creek Falls.  The falls originate from a glacier field 5000 feet high in the North Cascades.  It was beautiful and the glacier water felt good today when the temperature was in the 90's.

It was a hiking and biking day even in this heat.  Jim went for a 10 mile ride, exploring the area called the trail of the Cedars and the campground.  And yes, even Kathe took a bike ride today.  I am happy to report that she rode 2 whole miles and didn't crash.

As for myself, I am ever vigilant.  I have been keeping my eyes on the squirrels.  I watch from the front window all morning and from my lounge chair in the evening.  I chase them on every walk around the campground, I even dream about them at night.  I'll be sorry to leave this place and head back to civilization tomorrow, as this has been my favorite campground of the trip. 

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