Monday, July 22, 2013

Sand and Sea

Another day here in Florence, Oregon.  It was sunny all day today, but very windy.  I've been taking Kathe for walks around the campground about four times a day.  I'm looking for squirrels and she's looking for exercise.  I came so very close to catching one this morning.  Kathe was so sleepy she wasn't paying attention to my sneaky techniques.  I got so close the critter I could almost taste him, but Kathe pulled me back so fast I fell over in the pine needles! Drat! 

Jim went for a long bike ride today out along the dunes.  It started to get really windy after about 10 miles so he turned around to come back home.  The only problem was that the road back home was uphill and against the wind and it felt more like 20 miles to him. 

And what, you might ask, was Kathe doing?  There is a little "Old Town Florence" shopping district on the Siuslaw River.  That is where she spent her afternoon.  Shopping is a form of exercise, right ?

They went out to the dunes to watch the kids riding their ATV's for a while this afternoon.

Tonight they are out to dinner again, but I don't think it's steak.  These towns along the ocean mean only one thing, Fish!  I wish I were a cat.

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