Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dune City

There is one thing I do like about this campground, other than the millions of squirrels.  We don't have full hook-ups here and that means no sewer and so no bath for me.  We have 50 amp power and plenty of water at our site, but the holding tanks are limited.  Kathe and Jim won't waste water on me!  They did try to find a dog groomer here, but if you remember the last time we were in Florence, I got scalped and ended up looking like a Pomeranian.  It took almost a year for my hair to grow back.

I wish they would turn down that darn Dean Martin CD so I could concentrate.  Amore, a bore ah!

Any who, today they took off for another hike and left me watching the squirrels from the front window. They went to Tahkenitch Dunes which is a little south of Dune City.  They said it was really pretty in the forest for the first 3/4 of a mile.  Then the trail took off into the dunes and they had to hike the next 1/4 mile in soft sand.  They kept hiking uphill hoping to see the ocean on the other side of the dunes, but all they saw was more sand.  All three of these pictures are from the hike. It was a strenuous walk back into the forest where they could finally stop and pour the sand out of their hiking shoes.  Needless to say there was a lot of moaning and groaning this evening.  Pass the Advil please!

They went to the Three Feathers Casino for about an hour before dinner tonight.  They played the penny slots and Kathe won $74.00.

Well,  tomorrow we head to Coos Bay, a place that the three of us have never been.  That will be our last stop in Oregon.  California here we come!

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