Thursday, July 25, 2013

Windy Day in Coos Bay

The plan this morning was to drive out on the Cape Arago Highway and go for a hike.  There are several State Parks along the way and Kathe and Jim were going to find an interesting trail at one of them and hike along the coast.  As soon as they crossed the bridge into Charleston they were fogged in.  It was so windy and foggy that the hike became a nice drive all the way to the cape.  It's hard to think that this is really summer when it's so cold and windy!

They stopped at Sunset Bay State Park and Shore Acres State Park before getting out of the car to take pictures at Cape Arago of the Simpson and Rock Reefs.  They could hear sea lions and seals on the reef, but in the fog they just looked like big blobs moving up and down the rocks.

After eating their picnic lunch in the car, they decided to visit the Indian casino.  Seems like every town in Oregon has one, and Coos Bay is no exception.  The casino is called the Mill and is built on the site where once stood a lumber mill.  They only stayed for a short time and so they left with some money in their pockets.

Yesterday I told you that the main lumber product that is shipped from Coos Bay is wood chips.  Here is a picture of one of the huge piles of wood chips waiting to be shipped to China.  There were two other piles just as large along the 101.  I hope you can see that they are as high as the telephone wire.

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