Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hoh Rain Forest

We had another deviation from the "Plan" today.  Jim wanted to see the Hoh Rain Forest in the Olympic National Park and that stop wasn't on the "Plan."  After an awful lot of discussion last night it was agreed that we would try to see if we could find a place near the Rain Forest for the night.  We did, and boy am I happy! This place, Bogachiel Sate Park is loaded with chipmunks!  Oh yeah, the campground is okay too.  It took a little work to squeeze into one of the open sites, but we are here now for two nights.  Kathe will just have to figure out where to go to next, but Jim and I are happy!

They left after lunch for the Visitors Center and to take a couple of short hikes.  The mild winters, cool summers and annual precipitation of 12 feet produce the giant conifers that dominate this rain forest.  One of the spruce trees Kathe and Jim saw was over 200 feet tall 12 feet in diameter, and over 500 year old.  The Spruce Nature Trail was an interpretive trail past many of these huge trees.

There were also many biting flies and mosquitos so stopping to take pictures was a real challenge. 
Many pictures were out of focus due to the slapping of bugs.

They found a banana slug on one of the trails and took a picture to show how large it was, however with Kathe's size 11 clodhoppers next to it, it doesn't look so big after all.

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