Saturday, July 27, 2013

A Day At The Beach

Who goes to the Redwoods and doesn't see the trees?  I know it sounds crazy, but Kathe and Jim went hiking at the beach today instead of the Redwood Forest. 

Established in 1850, the harbor of Trinidad is the oldest on the Northern California coast.  It was a whaling port and also served to bring the miners supplies during the gold rush.  Today the area brings tourists from all over, including Kathe and Jim.  After checking out the memorial lighthouse, they walked (and climbed ) a trail that took them along the cliffs overlooking the bay.  Once the fog lifted, it was beautiful.  Those tiny dots are pleasure boats anchored in the bay.

After the ceremonial final fish and chips lunch they headed to Patrick's Point State Park for a couple of cliff side hikes.  The Wedding Rock trail is a short steep trail to the top of some rocks that overlook the ocean.  It was high tide and the water was slamming against the rocks.

Meanwhile, back at the campsite my day was very exciting.  I helped Kathe pick blackberries and discovered that there are critters that live in the blackberry patch.  I think they must be mice because I chased a nasty looking cat out of the berries and back into the dumpster!  Exciting!

This was our last official day of vacation, we will head to Santa Rosa tomorrow to visit with family for 3 days, and then on to Pismo Beach to meet up with our Komfort Kruiser club.  It's not over yet, but things are winding down and we are all kind of sad tonight.

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