Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Day in Poulbro

We had a real adventure today.  After breakfast we drove about 40 miles up to the town of Poulbro to visit our Los Angeles next door neighbor, Elaine.  Elaine's grandfather built a house on Puget Sound in 1914 and every summer she comes here for a few weeks.  It just happened that we were here at the same time she was, so we spent the day with her and her family.

Her house is right on the water and has a million dollar view out towards Seattle and Mount Rainer.  We sat in the shade admiring the view while we ate a picnic lunch.  After lunch Elaine took us on a tour of the area.  First we toured the pretty little town and shopped in the famous Poulbro Scandinavian bakery.  Then we drove over the bridge  to Bainbridge Island, where we stopped for coffee and a bowl of water.  She drove us to all the places she loves in the area like Indianola and Suquamish to see the sights.  We even stopped at the burial site of Chief Seattle.

After our tour we went back to her house for dinner.  Jim roasted hot dogs with the kids while Elaine and her cousin fixed the corn on the cob.  We had a really fun day, but had to leave before the some-mores were ready as it was getting dark and we still had a long drive back to the RV Park.

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