Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Day in the Rain Forest

I'm sure glad I took my mosquito pill this month because everybody else keeps complaining and swatting while I relax.  Folks, that's what you get in a Rain Forest, BUGS!

After a couple of spins around the campground I let Kathe and Jim leave me home while they went to the beach.  They drove down the coast along the 101 to the beaches that are part of the Olympic  National Park.  They decided to do this today in the car even though they will cover the same territory tomorrow on the way to our next destination.  It's a little hard to find a place to park at the beach with a 40 foot motor home with a tow car attached.

They first stopped at Ruby Beach and then Beach #4.  They never did find Beaches #2 or #3!  Apparently it was quite a hike down the cliffs to the water as Kathe took the trail fanny first.

You can see that there is a lot of driftwood on the beach. The tremendous amount of rainfall causes the weaker trees to be up-rooted and carried down to the ocean. 

After walking on the beach they drove to the Kalaloch Lodge and had a fish and chips lunch overlooking Beach #1. I guess the Park Rangers haven't thought up any wacky Indian names for the beaches yet, so they just go by the numbers.

Tomorrow we head to Westport, WA (another deviation from the "Plan") as when we tried to rearrange our Hoquiam reservation they told us to go elsewhere.  The next resort has a pool, so I guess chipmunks are out of the picture for now. 

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