Sunday, July 24, 2016


Another hot day in Utah.  On my walks around the park there is an occasional robin, but the best thing to chase here are the lizards.  They move kinda fast so I actually haven't caught one yet, but one can always hope.  They look sort of ugly and dry, so they blend into the scenery here.

Kathe and I spent most of our day indoors. Jim wasn't satisfied without some sort of activity so he decided to take a hike all by himself.  The Petrified Forest Trail takes off from the visitors center and climbs above the park about 200 feet straight up.  Once at the top, Jim could see lots of petrified logs and had a good view of the Lake below.  By the time he returned to the motor home it was over 100 degrees outside. Kathe and I were still very comfy inside!

The Internet has been on and off both days we have been here.  Some of our pictures never arrived to our email address and Verizon only works part of the time here. The park's hot spot only works if you sit on the ground in front of the restroom.  All the kids are there using their tablets and phones. It's been difficult to keep up the blog, but I'm using my cell phone's hot spot to get this out tonight.

After lunch today Kathe and Jim went down the highway to the Grand Staircase-Escalante Visitors Center. Grand Staircase is the only National Monument that is maintained by the Bureau of Land Management instead of the Park Service.  Jim and Kathe watched a film about all of the research that is being done in this vast 1,880,461 acres of wilderness.
While watching the film, the power went out in the entire town. They rushed home to make sure that I was okay without the air conditioning.  I was just fine!  It took about two hours before the power was restored. Ah, wilderness!

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