Thursday, July 21, 2016


When I thought we were going to be camping at Capitol Beef, I got really excited.  Turns out we are at Capitol Reef, not Beef and to make maters worse, it's nothing more than another pile of red rocks.

Oh, Kathe and Jim think it's wonderful, and have been taking pictures since we set out this morning on the Scenic Byway #24 from Green River to Torrey, Utah. Lots of beautiful and unusual rock formations along the way and the sites kept getting better and better as we approached the National Park boundary.

They took way to many pictures to post today, but here are a few. There is a campground in the National Park called Fruita that was once an orchard when the Mormons settled in this area in the 1800's. The fruit trees were abundant with apples and apricots today.  Jim and Kathe had fun picking a bag full of each fruit.  There were so many apricots on the ground that it smelled like apricot wine.  The ranger said that the deer will come and eat all of the fallen fruit.

Later this afternoon they went for a long hike in the Capitol Gorge, a deep canyon with petroglyphs along the canyon walls.  It was hot, but they really enjoyed the great beauty above and around them.

We are camped a few miles outside Capitol Reef in a really nice place called 1000 Lakes RV Resort. I think it should be renamed to 1000 bunnies campground, but more on the tomorrow.

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