Tuesday, July 19, 2016


We are pretty lazy here at Green River State Park.  The big entertainment is watching the campers coming in and going out. This seems to be a place where you stop one night on your way to somewhere else. It's not exactly a destination! It's not that it isn't a nice campground, it's really beautiful. It's just that the town is so small that there really isn't anything to do here.  Arches and Moab are so close that Green River is a stop-over for campers traveling up to those places or on the way down to Zion and Bryce Canyons.

Kathe and Jim went to the John Wesley Powell River History Museum for a few hours this morning. They learned about the exploration of the Green and Colorado Rivers and the Powell expedition. First, they watched an award winning film that was based on the journals of Powell and the other explorers. The museum features artifacts, models, displays, and maps that describe both rivers and the formation of the gorges and mountains.

Later today they went searching for Swaseys Beach and Mountain Biking Trail, the only other highlight of the town. Only it wasn't where it was supposed to be, or at least they couldn't find it. Google Maps doesn't work here except on Main Street so if you are looking for something, good luck.  Eventually they found a boat ramp with the name Swasey on it and a couple of people in the water who forgot their swim suits.

On the way back to town they saw some workers harvesting watermelons and took this picture. The vines were completely dried out and the watermelons were the only thing green in the field.

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