Thursday, July 28, 2016


It's official.  We really are on the way home. Tonight we are staying in Cedar City and tomorrow we will head for Nevada and then back into California. I'm sad to be leaving the cooler temperatures we had in Bryce. It's over ninety here tonight and it's 109 in Las Vegas.

We had an easy drive from Bryce to Cedar City because we took the Interstate most of the way. Jim could have driven the scenic way, but that would have meant driving up and down two mountain passes.  We only had one pass on the un-scenic way and even it was almost 8000 feet high.

Our RV Park here might be the worst one of the whole trip.  I'm glad we will only be here over night. Someone at Trip-Adviser is on the take.  The dog park has a hole in the fence big enough to drive a truck through and there are a dozen chickens running around loose making it very hard for me to concentrate on the business at hand.  I wish Kathe would let me catch one, I 'm very fond of chicken tenders.

Kathe and Jim took a drive this afternoon to Cedar Breaks National Monument. The rocks there are shaped like a huge coliseum which is over 2000 feet deep and over three miles in diameter.  This picture doesn't begin to show the size and the beautiful colors and rock formations.

An interesting fact: Cedar Breaks got it's name from the settlers who misidentified the trees. What they thought were cedars were actually junipers.  So we are really staying in Juniper City tonight!

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