Monday, July 4, 2016


This morning the sky was blue, not a single cloud in the sky.  It looked like it was going to be a great day.  Not exactly.  Kathe and I went to the dog park at around 5:30 and we were joined by Willis my next door neighbor Golden Lab.  I went to greet him in my usual doggie way and got a little to close to his working parts.  Embarrassing! I got a shower right on my head.  Boy, was Kathe upset. She grabbed me and took me straight home to the kitchen sink. She sprayed water on my head, and dried me off with a towel and promised me a complete bath as soon as it was warm enough.  Lousy way to start our day!

Did I mention it's Forth of July.  I hate that day, as a matter of fact I've hated every night this week. Someone has been shooting off cherry bombs each night at around 10:00. I've been a nervous wreck. To make matters worse, I've gained a couple of pounds since last July 4th and my Thunder Shirt is fitting a little too snug. Kathe almost couldn't get it fastened last night. I'm downing the calming pills, but nothing seems to help.  Tonight is the BIG night, I hope it rains and they have to call the whole thing off! I guess I'm not a very patriotic puppy.

Kathe, Jim and I did nothing today!  Well, Jim went for a bike ride and Kathe worked on her needlepoint and did a few loads of wash. Me, I just needed to sleep and forget about everything.

They had a special dinner tonight at the Briarhust Manor in Manitou Springs. The manor was built in 1872 and has been beautifully restored.  The food was really special, so Jim took a picture of the two dishes they tried. Jim's dinner was venison served on a slate and Kathe had some delicious scallops with a lobster corn risotto. YUM!

Gotta go squeeze into my Thunder Shirt...

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