Sunday, July 10, 2016


There is a lot do do here at the Glenwood Canyon Resort.  The resort is right on the river so there are raft trips leaving from here everyday. There is also a ropes course, a climbing wall, a zip line, and a bike path that follows the river all the way to Denver.

What do my humans do? Nothing! They hold down the lounge chairs pretty well, but that's about the extent of their activity today. Well, lets be fair, they do get out of the lounge chairs once in a while. Yesterday Jim took a 10 mile bike ride, and Kathe does walk me around the park 3 or 4 times everyday.

Today they were going to hike to the Hanging Lake, but when they got to the trail head the ranger turned them away because there was no parking.  Kathe was secretly happy that they had to turn back.  It was a mile hike up a steep, rocky cliff and with the heat and the altitude she probably would have never made it.

Instead of the hike, they took the rangers suggestion and went to Grizzly Creek Rest Area.  It's a beautiful park right at the confluence of the Colorado River and only a couple of miles up the Interstate.  They hiked around a little, watched the river rafts go by and took some pictures.  A really pretty sight in the canyon. There are so many rafts going down the river here it is like rush hour in Los Angeles.  Kathe counted over twenty two rafts as they drove back the two miles on the Interstate.

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