Saturday, July 9, 2016


Today it was all about the drive! We started out this morning on State Road 24 and passed ranch land and snow covered mountain peaks. We drove through the town of Leadville and then up on to the top of a canyon up about 11,000 feet high before heading down again till our ears went pop.

Then we connected with the I-70 and entered Glenwood Canyon.  The scenery was spectacular. It seemed like the highway was suspended into the canyon for miles and miles.

I've tried to tell the story in some pictures, but the road was so unbelievable and it was difficult to take pictures while moving at 60 miles an hour. You have just got to drive it to believe it!

It's 96 degrees here and the air is very dry.  At least we are below 6000 feet in elevation so we can breathe again.

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