Friday, July 15, 2016


Wow, did we have fun today!  Jim and Kathe rented a Jeep for the day and decided to go 4-wheeling in Canyonlands National Park. The best part? I got to go with them! They just put my blanket on the back seat, packed a lunch with some water, Gatorade, and dog biscuits and off we went.

Jim got a few pointers on how to drive the Jeep and with a map they supplied us, Kathe was the navigator.  We left Moab at about 10:00 in the morning and drove out on Potash Road.  It was paved for about 16 miles, then the pavement ended and we drove on the rocky loose gravel to the point where we could see the cliff that Thelma and Louise made famous.  From there we drove the Schafer Road straight up on the edge of the 2000 ft. high cliff up to the rim of the canyon.  Unbelievable! Kathe and I weren't nervous but Jim was wiping his sweaty hands on his pants all the way up.  It must have been a religious experience, though because Kathe kept saying "Jesus, Mary and Joseph" while looking over the side of the cliff.

Then when we got to the top, we drove into Canyonlands National Park and later took a side trip to Dead Horse Point State Park before returning to Moab via Long Canyon Road. That was another steep and narrow road only this time we were going back down to the bottom of the canyon.  We even drove in between a fallen rock and the cliff which was just big enough for us to squeeze through. I took a bunch of pictures, but nothing can compare to the real experience.

That long thin line is the road we drove, looking back from the top of the canyon.

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