Saturday, July 2, 2016


Kathe and Jim's adventure today was a trip to the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs.  They had a really great experience visiting this beautiful campus and learning about what it takes to be a Air Force Cadet. It was even beautiful in the rain.

The first stop was at the Barry Goldwater Visitors Center where they saw a very interesting film. The film followed a class of cadets from their first day at the academy to graduation.  It really gave you an understanding of the hard work and dedication these young people must have in order to succeed, graduate, and become officers in the Air Force.

After watching the film they toured an exhibit with information on the history of the Air Force and stories of some of the greatest heroes.  There was information on the uniforms and even a mock up of a typical cadet dorm room.

They were able to tour some of the buildings on campus, the most well known being the Chapel.

When they came out of the chapel they saw some of the new cadets from the class of 2020 that were just beginning their training and learning to march. They will spend the summer in basic cadet training before the school session starts in September.

Here are a couple of pictures from the day. Kathe's Dad was in the Air Force in WWII and so she took this picture of a statue of the B-52 which was the plane his squadron flew.

As for me, doggies don't fly. Well, except for Snoopy! I stayed home and rested up for the fireworks which I know someone will be shooting off again tonight.  Only a few more days until the 4th is over and I'll be able to get a good nights rest.

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