Sunday, August 15, 2021


We left our friends this morning and after waving goodbye and wiping away our tears, we headed for home. Jim and Kathe couldn't drive all the way home from Las Vegas in one day so we are staying tonight in the Barstow KOA. Oh, what a difference from last night at the Luxury Motor Coach Resort in Vegas.

It's 105 degrees and we are looking out our window at the cars zooming past us on the I-15. Nothing else here but dirt, dessert willows, and dying oleanders. Jim checked the temperature coming out of the cold water faucets and it's 101 degrees, which should make our morning showers fun! 

We have enjoyed two months of exciting adventures in some wonderful places. We traveled all through Idaho, Montana, and Utah, staying in private, State and National campgrounds. Truly an awesome trip, but I think that my favorite place of all had to be Bryce Canyon. I'm getting up there in dog years, so I'm not the explorer that I once was, but I can still chase a bird or chipmunk with the best of them. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end, and tomorrow I'll be back home, dreaming of the adventures I've had this summer and planning for next year.

Saturday, August 14, 2021


Todays adventure started out late. Remember I told you yesterday about the time change. I did wake Kathe up at 3:00, but we all went back to sleep until 9:00, or maybe it was 10:00 anyway, I didn't get a second breakfast like I hoped. 

Jim and Warren wanted to spend some time at Cabela's, so they all wandered around that store for about an hour. Then they decided that maybe they would go to the Las Vegas Strip for a little gambling. They wanted to go to the Bellagio, to see the floral display. They ended up parking at Cesar's and walking over 7000 steps in 104 degree heat. So, that was sort of like a hike, right? 

There are so many people here in the two hotels, it was crazy. No one felt like staying and gambling, just too crowded. The first NFL game between the Seattle Seahawks and  the Raiders is being held tonight, so we're guessing that's why everyone is here. They must wear a mask, do I hope that helps keep all these people safe.

Tonight my humans are going out for a celebratory last night dinner at Carmines in the Cesar's Palace Forum. Champagne!  Tomorrow we will stay in Barstow at the Calico Ghost town and Warren and Kathy will spend another night here before we all head home.  


Friday, August 13, 2021


We really are on the way home now. Spending the next two nights here at the Las Vegas Motor Coach Resort, and then we will be on our way home.

We said goodbye to the red rocks and drove through the most awesome canyon. The walls of the Virgin River Canyon were so high that Kathe couldn't even get a good picture of it. This picture is Warren and Kathy driving in their motor home front of us through the canyon. It's hard to believe that this canyon was carved by the Virgin River millions of years ago and today it's just a muddy stream.

It's extremely hot here, 114 degrees! The Resort is beautiful, but who cares. Good thing we have 3 air conditioners, because they are all running at once. It's too hot to do anything! This afternoon my humans went on an adventure to the Cesar's Forum Shops. Big Adventure! It was sort of like a hike, only with a million people walking in every direction. Culture shock.

Did I tell you that the time changed too, I think they were trying to starve me, but I kept begging until Kathe finally gave in and made me my dinner on Utah time. I'll have a little surprise for her tomorrow morning, breakfast at 3:30 AM!

Thursday, August 12, 2021


Zion National Park has become so popular they don't allow private automobiles into the Park. Today Warren decided to take his Jeep up over the canyon and through the two tunnels connecting Zion to Highway 89. In the past, we were able to take the road through this tunnel in our motor home. Now, there are new height and length restrictions make that impossible with our big motor homes. You also need to pay for an escort if they allow you to drive your motor home in the tunnel.

Anyway, with the Jeep they were able to drive  up above Zion and through the tunnels for some spectacular views. Unfortunately, these pictures don't really do justice to the view. But, it was a really fun drive. The internet is not letting Kathe transfer most of the pictures to the I-Pad, but here are a couple that she took with her phone.

After that adventure, they drove up to Kolob Canyon, about 20 miles north on Highway 15 to see the Visitors Center, which turned out to be closed! They continued up the 5 mile scenic drive to the top of the canyon for yet one last view of these fabulous red rock viewpoints.

Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Yesterday everyone was so disappointed at the number of humans here in Zion National Park. I found out that this park has more visitors each year than Yellowstone. Zion is the second most popular park in the system. That's why it was so crowded! My humans almost didn't want to go back there today.

Cooler heads prevailed and they set a plan in motion.  By 1:00 our campground was empty, I guess they all left for home. My humans decided to drive up to the park and see if the crowds had diminished. They lucked out!  They found a parking space at the visitors center and jumped right on the first shuttle.

Of course there were still lots of other people, but not nearly as many as yesterday. At the first shuttle stop, Court of the Patriarchs, they were the only people who walked to the top to take a picture. Due to the recent flooding and Covid, some of the shuttle stops have been eliminated, but they were able to stop at the historic lodge before heading to the Temple of Sinawava and the Riverside Walk. 

Of course the Riverside Walk was very busy, because everyone wants to walk in the river to see the Narrows. I'm very proud of my humans, even though they didn't get into the water, they walked all the way in 104 degree heat to the very end of the Riverside Walk and back. Of course tonight there is a lot of moaning going on, but they had a great afternoon.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


We had a really great drive today on Utah Scenic Byway 14. It was exciting, climbing up to an altitude of 9910 feet and then zooming down switch backs of grades up to 8%. Kathy T and Jim were driving, they didn't get to see the terrific scenery, but I did. They had to keep their eyes on the road all the time. We drove through the red rocks to the black lava beds and then high basalt cliffs, and the cliffs of Cedar Breaks before we finally reached the smooth Interstate.

We're camping about 13 miles outside Zion National Park at the Zion River RV Resort. We have back in sites that are on the Virgin River. They took a quick trip up to the National Park Visitors Center this afternoon, and boy what a crowd! There were hundreds of people, quite a shock coming from the peace and quiet of Bryce. Since we arrived at 4:00, we're hoping that all those people were just on their way home. Maybe when we get there tomorrow it will be less crowded, keeping my paws crossed!  

It's hot here, burning my paws on the asphalt at 100 degrees. It's supposed to rain tonight and cool things off.

Monday, August 9, 2021


Today was the clearest day yet. Perfect for a day of taking pictures all over the Park. Warren and Jim were determined to take a hike to the bottom of the canyon today, so the couples split up. The Kathies took their cameras and took pictures at every stop from Inspiration Point to Sunset Point. So here are the results!

Tomorrow we will move to Zion National Park for a few more Red Rocks!

Sunday, August 8, 2021


Because the smoke was starting to clear up a bit this morning, the bike riders were ready to go! There is a great bike path that starts across the street from Ruby's RV camp and goes all the way up into the Park to Inspiration Point. The guys rode the whole 10 mile trip and the girls were able to complete an 8 mile round trip. That's the longest that my Kathe has ridden in forever. They said that it was a great ride, and they may just do it again tomorrow, weather and smoke permitting.  Seems that my Kathe has finally figured out how to use her electric bike.

After lunch, Warren drove them all the way to Escalante Grand Staircase National Monument which was about 60 miles from Bryce. The scenery was beautiful the whole way. More tall red rock formations and lots of ranches and farm land in between along the highway. They stopped at the Great Staircase-Escalante Visitors Center but due to Covid restrictions there wasn't much to see.

They stopped on the way back to Bryce at Petrified Rock State Park to reminisce a little. Both couples have stayed at this Park when they had smaller motor homes. Kathe and Jim remember sliding down the red rocks in a rain storm way back when. Their sneakers never did come clean from that escapade.

They all have reservations tonight at the Cowboy Dinner Show, but us doggies will stay home. 

Saturday, August 7, 2021


This morning I woke my Kathe up at 3:00AM with a little case of dire rear.  The air was so smoky that I could hardly see my paw in front of my face. The sun was coming up bright red and we knew it wasn't going to be a great day. After some medicine, I felt a whole lot better but Kathe never did get back to sleep.

By the time we had breakfast we knew that it wasn't going to clear up today. It wasn't the day for strenuous exercise. There was just too much smoke from the big fire in California. The weather report says that the air quality will be smoky for the next two days. So, great photos were not in the cards today. The bike ride and hike to the Queens Garden Trail was cancelled. 

Instead Jim drove them to the tippy top of Bryce Canyon to Yovimpa Point so they could take a mile long hike to the Bristlecone Loop. The Bristlecone tree can live for thousands of years, and they are some of the oldest trees on the planet. They were very unusual looking, but quite a treat to see. The hike wasn't easy, but well worth the effort.

Later, on the way back down to the exit, they stopped at Natural Bridge to take a photo. Kathe wanted to show you the smoke in the background, visibility wasn't great, isn't the Bridge beautiful. Hopefully by Monday it will be clear enough for some better pictures.

Friday, August 6, 2021


This day was packed with adventures. My adventure included lots of pine trees and a very fast chipmunk. The humans weren't content just exploring the campground so they went off this morning for an ATV adventure. Across the street from Ruby's Inn is an ATV rental company where they were able to rent side by sides for an adventure at the rim of Bryce Canyon. The guided tour lasted about an hour and a half, but there was a history lesson before they could get started. Bryce canyon is over 30 million year old and was once completely under water. They really enjoyed the ride. They flew up and down on some really rough trails, and my Kathe had her eyes open most of the time. 

Along the trail they saw several herd of cattle including some Long Horns. There were even about a dozen pronghorn antelope hidden in the pine trees on the side of the trail.

Later, after lunch, it was time for some more adventure. First, they drove to Moss Cave for a little hike and some outstanding views of the red rocks. The trail was only about a mile but it was all uphill at an altitude of over 7000 feet. There wasn't much water in the cave when they got to the top, but it was cool with the moss dripping water from above.

Next, they drove to Kodachrome  Basin State Park to see the unusual formations of the red rocks. The Park has a small campground, and the colorful rocks reminded them of Arches National Park. Really beautiful. Maybe someday we can go back and camp there.

Thursday, August 5, 2021


We arrived this afternoon at Ruby's Inn and had a little difficulty with our "express" reservation. There was highway construction and no signage indicating where we were supposed to check-in. Around the mulberry bush and through two parking lots before we saw a little man with a tiny flag. Yes, he had our reservation, but not the Taylors, their reservation was with another little man with yet another tiny flag. Good thing we have been here before or we might still be driving through and around the parking lots.  We finally found our sites which are really nice except that they are across the road from from each other. It's a short walk to the She Shed.

The drive south on I-15 was much the same as before, lots of ranches and lots of cattle. Eventually we began to see the red rocks in the distance and soon we were worrying about the two tunnels we had to pass through to get to the Park. Our coach is 6 inches higher than the Taylors because we have a different chassis. Warren and Kathy followed us and took a picture of us going into the tunnel. We made it with room to spare!

Lots to see and do here, and it looks like it's going to be a busy 5 days.

Wednesday, August 4, 2021


If you were wondering what people do here in Fillmore, we finally found out this afternoon. They come here from all over Utah with sand rails and ATV's to have fun on the many dirt tracks behind this campground. There are over 400 dirt trails in the area. This afternoon they all started arriving and getting set up to have some weekend fun in the dirt. They aren't supposed to make noise after 10 PM or before 7 AM and there are all sorts of other rules applying to the ATV's. It should be interesting as we are surrounded by them. It was fun watching them arrive, trucks towing a camper, which is  towing a another trailer with the ATV.   

Not much for us to do today, my humans went to the Historical Territorial Statehouse Museum and I got another dunking in the kitchen sink. After Kathe fixed my hair, I fixed it myself.

The city of Fillmore was Utah's first planned capitol. The Statehouse was constructed in 1851 and was supposed to be a three story building with several wings. Only one wing was competed before the Federal Government decided to move the capitol to Salt Lake City. One floor of the museum had portraits of the founders of Fillmore and their many wives. Now, that was interesting! One man had 8 wives and 38 children. Oh, there were other interesting artifacts and displays like tools, guns, and household items of the pioneers. They also spent  some time driving through the town where there are many buildings that date back to the early 1900's.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021


Not much to say about Fillmore, Utah. The drive today on I-15 was really a tough one. We're so used to traveling in the country that four lanes of speeding traffic through Salt Lake City and Provo was no fun at all. Especially when the semitrucks and gravel haulers are flying by at 70 mph on our left and on our right. At least in California trucks have to stay in the far right lane except to pass and can only go 55 mph. We were all very glad when we finally reached a less populated area of the state and the four lanes became two.

It was late afternoon when we pulled into the Fillmore KOA campground. It's a really nice park and thankfully there is nothing to do here but relax.  Warren made watermelon Margaritas for the Kathies to drink at the pool this afternoon.  

This is a good place to just chill out and that's what we're all going to do for the next two days. Of course Jim will have to find something to do, like wash the motor home or take the car to the car wash, while the rest of us just take it easy.

Monday, August 2, 2021


Well, it's not exactly Rome, we are in Ogden, doing what the Ogdenites do. That is, eating at the Burger Bar, a Guy Fieri Triple D restaurant.  It's a drive-in hamburger joint that has been a family business here since 1956. From what I understand the Ben Burger is the size of a small Frisbee, and you had to eat it in your car. Don't have to tell you that no dogs were allowed on this culinary adventure. I don't think that they will  be going back, but there were lots of people lined up to enjoy their dinner in the parking lot!

The drive to Ogden was long, and boring. Not much to see but fields of sage brush and then lots of corn fields. Of course it rained off and on, but we are getting used to that. As we got closer to Ogden we saw lots of mountains and lots of gray clouds. It's warm and dry here but it feels so different to be in a big city with so much traffic after spending so many quiet days in Idaho. 

Getting here was a challenge, Warren and Kathy got a chip in their windshield, and we almost had an accident when a car came close to crashing into us just as we were turning into the RV park. Just relaxing tonight resting up for tomorrow. We have another long drive south to Fillmore, Utah. 

Sunday, August 1, 2021


I am soaking wet! Kathe just took me out for a walk and it's pouring rain. It's really coming down with thunder and lightning all over the place.  

Today we learned that there never was a massacre here, just a few Indian attacks at Devil's Gate, and that's about a mile and a half away. The ranger told us the name is just for the tourists. There is no historical mention of a place called Massacre Rocks in any of the diaries of the people who traveled the Oregon Trail. Highway 86 passes right through the Devil's Gate. It's the photo with the two rock formations. In August of 1862 several wagon trains were attacked in that area.

All four of my humans hiked to two historic places here in the State Park. The first place they went this morning was a place where you can still see the ruts made by the wagons passing through this area on the Oregon Trail. It was about a mile and a half walk outside of the park, but they finally found what they were looking for and took this picture. 

After that, they drove to a place called "Register Rock" which was a place where emigrants carved their names into a large rock. There's a fence around the site to protect it, but the carvings are very clear to this day.  

Saturday, July 31, 2021


It's official we are now driving South. So that means that we are starting the drive back home. It's not over yet, we still have several more adventures, but it's always a little sad when you realize you are headed back home.

Today when we left Sun Valley it was just starting to rain, again but for the rest of the drive we didn't see any more rain. Just lots of clouds and plenty of corn fields.  Lots of cornfields! 

We pulled into Massacre Rocks State Park about 2:00 but it took a very long time for us to get set up in our site. Both of our sites were so unlevel that Warren and Jim really had to pull out all the blocks and chocks to make it work. At least the wine bottles aren't rolling off the counter, but we are a still a little tippy.

No matter, both sites have great views of the Snake River and there are lots of trails and places to explore. This picture is taken from our site number 34. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Friday, July 30, 2021


Good thing my folks got out early this morning. Right now as I write this it is POURING rain down on us. Seems like every day around this time it starts raining. It cools everything down, but it sure is noisy on our roof.

There was a plan to bike ride this morning, but Kathe convinced everyone to go to the River Run side of mountain and take the scenic gondola ride to the top. Her thinking was that if we did that this morning, we wouldn't get caught in the rain. Good Plan! It was really a great ride to the Roundhouse area and then they took a chair lift to the tippy top. I only wish the pictures had been clearer. 

Jim and Kathe have skied this mountain several times, but it was much more intimidating without the snow. They couldn't believe it was so steep! 

When they returned to camp, everyone except Jim chickened out on the bike ride. He went alone and had a great ride, returning just as the huge raindrops were falling.

Tomorrow we head to Twin Falls, Idaho and the Massacre Rocks State Park for 2 nights.  

Thursday, July 29, 2021


It rained again last night. Thunder and lightning and big loud rain drops on our roof.  Doesn't bother me much anymore because I can't hear a thing, but Gianni was upset all night and had to sleep in his crate. When Gianni's not happy nobody's happy, especially in the rain.

Today all the humans were supposed to go on another long bike ride. It didn't happen. My Kathe finally got an appointment to get her hair cut and Kathy and Warren needed a day of rest. Jim was planning to clean the motor home, but when he looked at the weather report that was put on hold.

The clouds were threatening again this afternoon, but everyone was tired of sitting around so they came up with a plan to visit the Sawtooth Botanical Garden. It was very small compared to some of the botanical gardens in California, only about 5 acres. It was quiet and peaceful. Beautiful native and cultivated plants that thrive in the high altitude, and a small stream complete with tiny trout. 

It started to rain again this afternoon, so it was back to camp for everyone. More thunder and lightning and rain now off and on, looks like it will be another noisy night.

Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Today everyone was up and ready to go on a bike ride by the crack of 11:00 AM. Of course, I got Kathe up before sunrise for a little stroll around the camp ground, but she went right back to sleep. By the time they all were ready to roll the weather was bright and sunny, perfect! The Wood River Bike Trail is about 20 miles long and runs right past our campground all the way to Warm Springs. 

The Wood River Trail is the abandoned Sun Valley line of the Union Pacific which was resurfaced and now used year round by residents and visitors who want to get outdoors. There were people running, walking, and biking today, but they can even use it for cross county skiing in winter.

Everything was going well until Warren noticed that Kathe's bike had a flat tire. They pulled over in the shade and fixed it right away. They kept going until they reached Bald Mountain when the girls decided to turn around and ride back. The guys continued another 4 miles before they rode back.

This afternoon was supposed to be a shopping day in Ketchum. There are lots of little shops to explore, but the thunderstorm put an early end to that idea. It's been raining off and on all afternoon and there is a flash flood warning for the area. How fast can a little dog go in a rainstorm? You'd be surprised!

Tuesday, July 27, 2021


What a bunch of lazy lumps! Here we are in beautiful Sun Valley Idaho and everybody sleeps in this morning! The original plan was for an early bike ride today, but the weather didn't cooperate. Drizzle, not too bad, just wet enough to spoil the plan.

Dithering around. A trip to the market, a trip to the hardware store, a few phone calls, a few loads of wash, and then it was too late to do anything but eat lunch. My Kathe found a restaurant called, Raspberry, in Ketchum where they had a very delicious lunch. After that, they drove to the Sun Valley Farmers Market at the base of the mountain, but they were so late, most of the good stuff was already sold out.

So, they just drove around the Sun Valley area to see the Ski mountain and all the little shops in town. Here is a picture of the lifts on the Warm Springs side and a look at the river on the River Run side. 

We got back to camp just as the sun finally came out at 5:00 and Jim decided to check out the bike path for tomorrow. Do you think we need to start setting the alarm clock?

Monday, July 26, 2021


We left our beautiful site at Torrey's RV this morning and I took this picture before we left. On one paw we had the most fantastic site looking at the mountains above the Salmon River. On the other paw we had no cell service for the entire time and almost no internet. Still, we had a great 5 days.

Our drive to Ketchum was supposed to only take an hour, but with all the twists and turns, and a 9,000 foot pass over the mountains, it was more like 3 hours before we got settled into the Meadows. It's not the greatest place we've ever stayed. The sites are really close together, but the Taylors are facing one way and we are next to them facing the other way. We kind of have a ten foot space on grass to share between us. But hey, we're camping!

The worst part of the afternoon was when we received a call from the RV park in Arco, where we were supposed to stay next. They cancelled our reservation because they have a major electrical problem. Panic! 

We made all of our reservations 8 months ago due to the increased number of people on the road this summer. All four of my humans were calling all over the place trying to find a replacement for that reservation. I think they called at least 7 different places and the answer was always the same, NO we are totally booked. Well, we decided to ask the office here if we could stay another 3 days and they were able to accommodate us. Needless to say, that was our only adventure today.  Looking forward to a better tomorrow, after all this is a vacation.

Sunday, July 25, 2021


We had to get up early this morning so that the humans could start today's adventure. The goal was to visit the BayHorse Ghost town and then to do some fishing at BayHorse Lake.  The ghost town was about 4 miles from the main highway, on a gravel road. The area was named for the first prospectors bay horses!

The discovery of load bearing ore in this area lead to the development of mines here around Challis, Idaho in the late 1870s. The biggest years of silver and lead production for Bayhorse were from about 1882 through the 1890's when a drop in prices led to the eventual shut down of the mines. For many years the area was not open to the public. When it became a unit of the State Park System things were made safe for the public to enjoy this piece of mining history. There were many buildings with photographs and information to help the visitors imagine what it might have been like way back in time.

Next they drove another 4 miles up the mountain to the larger of the Bayhorse Lakes. After a picnic lunch the guys headed to the lake with their poles and the girls sat in the shade watching them fish. The fishing was lots of fun for the guys! They caught 7 more fish bring the total number of fish caught here to 15! They are having another fish dinner tonight and they put the rest in the freezer.

Saturday, July 24, 2021


I'm a day late, due to having absolutely no internet last night. So here's yesterday in a nutshell:

After a very late start, my humans drove back north on highway 95 to the small town of Challis to visit the State Park Museum and to do a little grocery shopping.

The museum was the best they have seen so far in Idaho, everything was laid out perfectly. The antiques displayed were real, not just someone's junky collection. They watched a very well done film about the mining history in the area. The ranger at the front desk knew a lot about the Yankee Fork area and also gave them some fishing tips. After a much needed grocery trip, they returned to camp and the Kathies played with us doggies for a while and the guys loaded up the car with some fishing gear.  

They have been having great luck fishing here, the best ever. Kathy T caught two trout and Jim caught one. After Warren was helping Kathy and fell into the river, it was time to go home! 

Friday, July 23, 2021


In the 1870's gold was first discovered here in the heart of Idaho's wilderness. People came from all over the country to try their luck panning or mining for gold. There are abandoned gold mine operations and ghost towns all over this area.

It's a lot cooler today than yesterday, but there is still some smoke in the air. A perfect day to explore the ghost towns and some other interesting sites. The Yankee Fort Gold Dredge is only a few miles away from our campground, so that was the first stop. The road into the area where the Forest Service placed this massive machine is paved, but there are huge piles of mine tailings on either side of the road. There were about 6,000,000 cubic yards of displaced rock just from this one mining operation. So sad to see such destruction of the land. Kathy, Warren and Jim toured the interior of the dredge, while  my Kathe toured the gift shop. The inside of the machinery was dark and smelly and the stairs were too steep for her. The kiosk and brochure explained all she needed to know.

After that tour they drove farther into the forest to check out two mining ghost towns. One town was Custer where the Forest Service had restored several buildings. There was a self guided tour with a a lot of information about the buildings and the inhabitants. The town was founded in 1879 by gold speculators of the Lucky Boy and Black mines. By 1910 it was a ghost town.  This is a picture of the one room school house 

It was interesting to see so many tourists in the area with gold pans and shovels, I guess there is still some gold to be had.

Fish Update: Jim caught a two nice sized trout yesterday and Warren caught one. Kathy bought a fishing license today, so the three of them are out trying their luck this afternoon.

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Funny name for a beautiful place. We are about half way between Challis and Stanley Idaho right on the Salmon River. There are only about 12 sites here and we have one right on the cliff overlooking the river. 

Our drive today was on highway 93 and 75 on the route called the Salmon River Scenic Byway. And scenic it was! Steep canyon walls with large ranches in the valley, all following along the Salmon River. It was a really awesome drive, with many crazy turns. 

Once we checked in they camp host warned us about the wolves and mountain lions that come through the campground in winter. Lots of scary pictures, enough to keep me indoors. We have to keep our humans on a leash when we go outside just to be safe.

The first picture is the view from our site looking up the River. There are supposed to be lots of fish in this river. The other picture is one of the many canyons were drove through to get here.

Jim and Warren bought 5 day fishing licenses. Keeping our paws crossed for a fish dinner!