Tuesday, June 14, 2016


Today was a great one.  First thing this morning Kathe and I took a long walk along the river and watched the ducks.  There were cows on the other side of the river loudly mooing a greeting which I was happy to return by barking my head off.

Most of the May flies were gone this morning.  A few hundred thousand didn't get the memo that they were supposed to mate and die in the 24 hour period.  I'm thinking that today's bugs were a little like the ones no one wanted to dance with at cotillion, only stuck to the wall forever.

After breakfast, while I took a nap Kathe and Jim decided to go sight seeing instead of the bike ride they had planned.  Something about getting bugs in there teeth.

They decided instead to tour Brigham Young University. By calling ahead they were able to get a private tour of the entire campus.  A student from the School of Communications and Public Relations drove them around on a golf cart pointing out all of the buildings and sculptures on campus.  This is a picture of the library which is actually four stories high, but only one story is visible from this level. This was finals week, so there were some students walking around the campus.  Students must comply with a code of conduct and dress appropriately, also the men must be clean shaven.  It was refreshing to see, imagine 30,000 students and not one scruffy face, no short shorts and  no crop tops with belly buttons showing!

Later in the day they went to the Utah Pioneer Village where they saw several structures from the early days here in Provo.  There was a schoolhouse and several homes that have been restored and furnished to the way they might have looked in the late 1800's. You have been spared an account of the Provo Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Museum as it was closed today.

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