Saturday, June 25, 2016


We didn't notice it last night, but there is a chicken coop right across the road from our motor home. It's now official, I get Kathe up and out of bed before the rooster crows!  We went for a walk this morning at 5:30 and I woke up the rooster on the way back to the motor home.  Then we all went back to sleep. Even the rooster.

Today was a slow one. Since they didn't have to get up early to drive to another place, or go to a seminar, they took advantage of the day to relax. Kathe did laundry while Jim washed the motor home and the car. Wouldn't you know it, as soon as he finished, it started raining.  He must do a rain dance while he works because every time he brings on the rain.

This afternoon they went to the Wyoming State Museum in downtown Cheyenne. There were galleries depicting the history of Wyoming and information about why people chose to settle here. There were exhibits from the prehistoric times to present day including a skeletal replica of a camptosaur, one of Wyoming's earliest inhabitants.  I wonder where he camped?

In addition to exhibits on the mining and ranching industries there were several areas dedicated to Native American crafts and bead work.
This cowboy boot was outside the entrance and it's decorated entirely with  real Wyoming license plates.


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