Wednesday, June 29, 2016


We drove down the mountain this morning to the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado.  We are still over 5000 feet in elevation, but we can breathe again!

The Cherry Creek State Park is a gem!  It is an oasis right in the middle of the Denver metro area. The Park covers 4,200 acres and has an 850 acre reservoir for water skiing and fishing. There are 16 bike trails, miles of walking trails and even 6 dedicated off leash dog trails.  I tried walking on the trail but the grass is so high I really didn't think that it was fun, I couldn't see over the top of the grass. I'll stick to the roads where I can see where I'm going.

We are camped in site 84 at the end of the Goldrush Loop.  It's a huge site with plenty of large trees and a big grassy back yard with a big rock for me to sit on.  We saw a deer munching on the grass just before suppertime.  If he comes back I'll take a picture before I chase him away.

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