Monday, June 27, 2016


First let me correct something that I posted last night. We are not camped at Lake Mary but at Mary's Lake.  I stand corrected.

Now for today's adventure.  I was supposed to get a bath this morning.  But Kathe and Jim decided to drive up into Rocky Mountain National Park instead, so I still look like a dust mop waiting to be shook out. Bet you'd never thought you'd hear me say that I wanted a bath, but I look so bad it's embarrassing. What will the other dogs think?

The 22 mile drive up to the Alpine Visitors Center was unbelievable.  It was like driving up to the top of the world. Snow covered mountains in every direction.  The visitors center was at 11,796 feet above sea level and Jim hiked up the stairs of the Alpine Ridge Trail which was another 1/2 mile straight up. The Ranger referred to that trail as the "Huff and Puff" trail, because you are so out of breath when you get to the top. I think I'll stop writing so I can squeeze a bunch of little pictures into the blog.

See if you can spot the elk!

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