Monday, June 13, 2016


We arrived here in Provo, Utah at the Lakeside RV Campground and the first thing we asked the camp host was, "Where's the Lake?"  We've been tricked like that before, so when we pulled in and didn't see any water we were a little upset. 

No worries, the Utah Lake State Park is just a half mile down the road and it's gigantic!  In addition there is a scenic doggie walk all along the Provo River bordering the RV Park on three sides.  There are also lots of mature poplar and sycamore trees all throughout the park.

Everything was beautiful until we noticed that our window screens were covered with little yellow flying bugs.  Yuck! I really hate bugs, and these don't even taste good.  Seems there is a 24 hour infestation of mating Mayflies, and they are flying all over the place.  They like the windshield and the sides of the slide-outs the best which really makes Jim more than a little upset.  Out comes the Mary-Moppins!

Then after lunch, the wind started blowing a gale and tree branches started falling from the sky, and to top it all off it started to rain! So much for our beautiful afternoon at the lake.

We made the best of it, going for a walk in between the rain showers and taking some pictures of the river and the lake.  It's bound to be sunny tomorrow and then we can complain about the heat.

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