Sunday, June 26, 2016


Driving from Cheyenne to Colorado we could see the snow topped mountains of the Rocky Mountain National Forest in the distance.  Our drive was a long winding road to our destination, Lake Mary Campground in Estes Park.  Us and about a thousand other Sunday drivers!  It took a lot longer than we anticipated, and then of course the Google Maps took us on the scenic route. We finally found our campground and although we don't have a view of Lake Mary, the mountains surround us on three sides.  We are at 8000 feet above sea level and the weather is great. Can't ask for anything better than that.  Lake Mary is across the street and Lake Estes is only about a mile away.  This is a picture of Lake Mary.

Everyone here is sicker than dogs tonight-oh not me-I'm tip-top, but Kathe and Jim are suffering from colds.  I'm buying stock in Kleenex, as they are using that by the truckload!  Jim is on the mend, but Kathe is keeping me up at night with her coughing and sneezing.  I'm sleeping in the kitchen again tonight trying to get a little peace and quiet. Hope tomorrow is a better day for all of us.

Lake Mary and Lake Estes are in the Roosevelt National Forest and there are many vacation homes in the hills surrounding our campground. It's a vacation destination.  We went to the Safeway this afternoon and it looked just like the one in Mammoth Lakes right before a blizzard.  Hundreds of shoppers with overloaded carts. We were lucky to get out alive with our tacos.

We are staying here three nights for a little rest and recuperation.
Tomorrow we are going to drive up to the Rocky Mountain National Forest to explore.

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