Tuesday, June 28, 2016


It was a boring morning here at the old campsite.  Chores for everyone.  Me, of course I had to endure the kitchen sink dunking and a a dose of flea and tick stuff.  I was overdue! Jim had a bunch of maintenance things to due like putting more DEF in the tank, and water in the coach batteries.  He also had to put some air in the tires of the Escape as the tire monitor kept beeping at us. Once that was done it was time for a trip to the grocery store.

Then something happened on the way to the Safeway mall, they got lost!  They made a wrong turn and ended up in the town of Estes Park. Who knew! Here was a tourist trap for all the visitors that come to see the Rocky Mountain National Park.  There was a "River Walk" with lots of little shops and restaurants up and down Elkhorn Boulevard.  There were dozens of T-shirt shops, salt water taffy, ice cream and fudge shops, in short, a tourist paradise.  They spent a few hours looking for the ultimate T-shirts and had a nice lunch in an Irish Pub before they actually found the Safeway at the other end of town.

As soon as they got back to the campground it started to rain. Thunder and heavy rain, and in between the showers I took a quick walk around the park trying not to mess up my new hairdo.

Tomorrow we leave for Aurora, Colorado and Cherry Creek Park. Hope it stops raining soon.


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