Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Every Tiffin rally has a day where people are asked to decorate their motor homes according to the theme of the rally.  This year's theme was Wild West, so I took a few pictures of some of the decorated motor homes in our row.  There were prizes awarded to the winners!  I never found any of the big winners and our coach didn't even get an honorable mention, but there were some really creative ideas.

One coach simple had a sign that said, " We're OLD, we used to be WILD, and we are from the WEST coast!"  They didn't win.

Last night the wind was howling and rocking the coach all night long. Kathe and I didn't get much sleep. The weather was a little cooler this morning, and the wind actually stopped blowing.  It was a pleasant day.  We even sat outside for a while with all the doggies and humans together for the first time since we arrived here.

More seminars and lots more eating for Kathe and Jim today, in short, a repeat of yesterday. Hope they do something more interesting tomorrow!

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