Tuesday, June 21, 2016


You know how much I like air conditioning and how I always stay inside when it gets hot. But a dogs gotta do what a dogs gotta do so I have to go outside sometime.  It's 103 out there and I run out and take care of business as fast as I can and then run right back inside.  Did I mention the 30 mile per hour winds and the blowing dust?  Not liking Wyoming very much!

Kathe and Jim have spent most of the day in air conditioned seminar classes, but they have to walk back and forth during the day they are plenty hot and sweaty. Jim took an electronics class and a class to learn about about the Aqua-Hot system.  Kathe went to yet another convection microwave class.  Maybe she will actually cook something soon. All the meals here at this rally are catered so there's been no cooking and worse yet, no doggie bags.

They went looking at the new coach display and luckily didn't buy one.  I'm just getting used to ours and I don't want to start all over again.  Besides, I haven't found all of the dog biscuits that I've hidden in this one yet.

Some of you may know that before we left Jim and his brother worked very hard to install a light display under the coach.  Tonight was the unveiling of the lights.  I've been waiting until dark to take a picture of those lights--so here you are! I couldn't take a picture till the sun went down, but then it was too dark to see the coach. Guess you will have to take my word for it, it was awesome.


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