Thursday, June 16, 2016


We were very happy to leave the Travel Camp RV Resort this morning.  Any resort that sells fireworks and beer in the same store is a place this doggie doesn't want to stay for long. Kathe couldn't believe the number of fireworks and rockets they had for sale where normally they sell camp supplies. It looked like a candy store for fireworks. When she asked if people were shooting them off in the park before the Fourth of July, the reply was that in Wyoming you can shoot off fireworks any where, any time, all year long.  Good Bye Green River!

As we drove along the I-80 there was a lot of construction and we kept switching lanes and changing to a single lane with oncoming big rigs.  The speed limit is 75 mph here, but we can only go 60 while we are towing the car.  That made the driving more difficult and we didn't arrive in Rawlins, WY  until after 2 PM.

Shortly after we arrived my friends Mia and Gianni arrived with their humans, Kathy and Warren. Now we're going to have some real fun! The humans went to the Wyoming Frontier Prison for a guided tour.  Kathe and Jim had been there before but they wanted to make sure that Warren and Kathy had the experience. This is a picture of the front of the prison which was used until the 1970's, when they built a new prison in Laramie.  Looks scary, I'm glad I'm a good dog.

When they got home it was time for some quality doggie time.  It is so windy here that us guys nearly got blown over when we all went for our long walk.  We renewed our friendship and peed everywhere together. Great fun! It was really windy when I took this selfie of the three of us together at the dog park.

Later, the humans decided to drink margaritas and have a Mexican dinner.  Warren made a taco bar for all of them.   I understand it was delicious, but how would I know--no one shared anything with me!

Tomorrow we all will head to Casper, Wyoming. I hope there aren't any ghosts there.

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