Monday, June 28, 2021


Okay, so it's too hot to do anything. It's too hot to go anywhere. It's the kind of day to sit in the shade, drink ice water, and watch the River go by. Or, if you are wearing a fur coat like I am, just lay on the cool tile and nap the day away and wait for dinner. 

This is what a vacation at the River is supposed to be. Just chillin! Because we so close to the water, there are no sewer hook-ups. We gave that up for the beauty of camping right on the shore. We do have to manage our water use, but it's not an issue  for us. Kathe even did a load of laundry in the coach this morning which used 20 gallons of water. We still have plenty of water onboard, but it's the holding tanks that we have to worry about. We only have one more night here and it's looking good in that department. Next stop will be Hells Gate State Park, where we will also have to conserve our water while camping on the shore of the Snake River.    

Kathe and Jim took a walk down to the swim beach this afternoon. It looks inviting, but it's too darn hot to enjoy it. The water is calm and cool, but you would need to put a chair right in the water. Even the sand is too hot to walk on, but the water is very  refreshing.

On the way down to the swim beach they found several old cherry trees with ripe sour fruit for the picking. Kathe had fun picking and eating a bunch.

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