Thursday, June 24, 2021


Well, there was no kayaking today, too many excuses! Either it was too cold, or too windy, or someone had a bad back and another one was afraid if she got down into the kayak she would need a crane to lift her our. So many excuses! The closest Kathe got to the water today was when she was doing the laundry! 

It took a while for everyone to agree on a alternate activity. Eventually they decided to go into town and a do little souvenir shopping. At the Sports shop Warren bought some new bike shorts while the Kathies found some treasures in the store next door. Guess the vacation mode has set in, seems like there is a lot more sitting around in the sunshine than sports activities. To be fair, Jim and Warren took a really long bike ride yesterday, so they deserved a day of rest.

Later on, they all took a drive south to Cascade Lake to check out some campgrounds along the Lake. There  were some really nice sites, but they were all much too small for our rigs. They kept driving and eventually reached the Tamarack Resort. This area has become a luxury ski and bike resort with a village much like Mammoth Mountain. They only have five lifts operating now, but each time we visit it seems to be getting bigger and bigger. Today they were hosting the NW Cup Mountain Bike Races. Over 500 riders were competing in this event. They were speeding down a narrow dirt track, and it sure looked dangerous. 

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