Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Today we passed miles and miles of golden wheat fields on the way to Lewiston, Idaho. It was a very pleasant trip once we climbed the hill out of White Bird. We didn't hook the cars up until we reached the top of the 7% grade. It was quite a ride!

We arrived here in Lewiston mid afternoon and the temperature was 119 degrees. Kathie and Warren thought they were still in Indio! As a matter of fact it's probably cooler there today. Our sites are on the River but that doesn't seem to make things any cooler. It's like an oven out there!

A quick trip to Walmart for some supplies was next on the agenda, good thing we didn't want to buy a fan or an air-conditioner as the aisle where they were supposed to be located was bare! People here are saying that it never gets this hot in Lewiston. Lucky us, we arrived in the worst heat wave in memory.

Tomorrow us doggies are going to stay home while all the humans take a Jet Boat trip on the Snake River.

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