Wednesday, June 16, 2021


We had a very scenic drive today along 395 up and around Mono Lake. That is, it would have been scenic if there wasn't so much dust in the air due to the last few days of high winds.

We drove over the border into Nevada, but Kathe didn't get her cell phone out quick enough to take a picture of the Welcome to Nevada sign.  Instead we have yet another picture of her shoes. Good news, the weather is a little cooler here and there is very little wind, so it's much better than yesterday!

After a few more miles, we were stopped along the road in a line of cars by some official looking men.  We looked off to the left and saw several large explosions. We assumed that it was just workmen blasting rocks or something like that.

As we drove into the town of Hawthorne, NV while Kathe was trying to take a picture of Walker Lake, we noticed quite a lot of military vehicles.  

When Warren and Kathe checked into the RV Park they asked the manager if this was an Army town. He replied that there was "some" Army here. Later, as we did some exploring we saw a sign which said, "Hawthorne Depot, World's Largest Ammunition Storage Depot". So we really are staying in Boom Town! Yikes! 

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