Monday, June 21, 2021


Left this morning a little later than planned.  Warren and Kathy had trouble with one of their bedroom slides. Something is wrong with the motor, so the Kathies and Jim pushed with all their combined might and finally got it back in place. Warren says they will just live with it for the rest of the trip, but I hope they will be able to find a solution.

Once we were on the road, we were confronted with traffic and major road construction which delayed us again. It's a tough road up highway 55 with lots of hairpin curves and oncoming traffic on a two lane mountain road. Even with all that, the scenery was beautiful along the river.

We arrived here McCall RV Resort and all those troubles were forgotten. I love it here. Kathe took me for a long walk and I was walking faster than she was. I know my way around this place, because I've been here many times before today. Can't wait till tonight when the deer come to visit us. 

As you can see from this picture we have a great site, right on the river. Lucky us, we are staying five nights! 

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