Friday, June 18, 2021


I'm not exactly tip top self today. My tummy has been out of sorts, so I was glad to sleep in my crate all the way from Hawthorne to Winnemucca, Nevada. Kathe cooked dinner last night and I helped clean up the floor, maybe that's why I don't feel so great today.

It was a pretty long drive up the 85/90 highway. The first part of the trip was all desert landscape and the most exciting thing that happened was when we drove through a whole bunch of tiny bugs. This  picture makes it look like a flock of birds. There must have been thousands of bugs all over the windshield. Boy, was Jim ever upset! He's still outside on a ladder cleaning them off and it's almost dark. 

After the bugs, the rest of the drive was uneventful. Lots of farms and ranches with goats, sheep, cows and plenty of hay! We finally arrived here at around 3:00 and since no one felt like cooking, and I wasn't hungry, I told them it was okay to go out for Mexican food. No need to bring me a doggie bag!

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