Sunday, June 27, 2021


Not much to do here, it's way too hot! Not even us doggies are motivated to leave the air conditioning! Kathe drags me outside every once in a while, but I sneak back in as soon as possible!

The campground is really nice with lots of grassy sites that look out on the Salmon River, but no one can stay outside for very long. I think it was 110 today and there is no sign that it's going to cool off any time soon. It does get cooler in the evening, cool enough to sleep comfortably, not in my bed of course, but on the cold tile floor. 

They all went for a Jeep trip today up in the hills above the river. Lots of rolling open space, pine trees and beautiful vistas in every direction. They didn't make it all the way over to the Snake River, they turned around and drove to the site of the White Bird Battlefield. It was the scene of the first battle of the Nez Perce War of 1877.

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