Thursday, June 17, 2021


It's really windy tonight, and we're even supposed to get some rain. That would be a welcome relief from this unbearable heat.  I've tried to find shade in this RV Park, but all the trees are so small that they don't provide any shade at all. Spending my days stretched out on the cool tile floor, with the air conditioning blasting. 

Today was much like yesterday, with the humans searching for something to do in this crazy little town.  They left this morning for a trip to the Mineral County Historical Museum. After a couple of hours they were right back home with me in the air-conditioned RV. 

The museum had lots of "interesting" collections that had been donated by the residents of Hawthorne. Here's a picture of a giant eagle that a lady made for the 4th of July Parade. Gives you kind of an idea what the museum was like! Weird! They were going to visit the other museum in town, the Museum of Ammunition, but luckily it was closed today.

After lunch, they all piled into Jim's Jeep to explore some old mine roads about 30 miles away in the town of Mina, Nevada. Traveling on some unmarked dirt trails they found two really old abandoned mines.  They kept driving and found newer claims all over the place which they explored. Warren and Jim brought home a bunch of interesting rocks, but  I don't think were going to get rich any time soon.

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