Tuesday, June 22, 2021


The campers next door told us about a ghost town and abandoned gold mine called Warren. Of course my humans just had to try and find it today. Turns out it was about 35 miles above McCall and most of the road there was dirt. It was a long forest road with a few small campgrounds along the way. Nothing big enough for our motorhome, but a quiet place if you wanted to really be ALONE. When they finally got to Warren, there were actually people living in what appeared to be a ghost town. Lots of falling down, abandoned buildings.  There was an old  school, a church and a dancehall and lots of tin roofed houses and stores.  

There was old rusted mining equipment, and piles of rock tailings left over from the process of separating the valuable minerals from the waste rock.  On the way out of the town, they spoke to a man along the stream who was taking samples of the sand in the river water, looking for gold. He was happy to speak to "tourists" and told them how he hoped to be successful in his efforts. They wished him luck and drove back to civilization. 

Driving back to town on the East side of Payette Lake they took this picture of the lake before heading back to the RV Resort.

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