Friday, June 25, 2021


This is our last day here in McCall. There is some talk about staying here longer next time we visit, it's such a great place. This morning an artist was painting a picture of the lake right in front of our coach. She was working on it all day, and the finished painting was beautiful.

The guys took off this morning on their bikes for Ponderosa State Park but before they left they put the Kathie's bikes on the Jeep. They all met up at the Visitors Center and continued together on the bike trail along the Lake. They rode about 3 miles together. Warren and Jim rode quite a bit longer without the girls, but they all had fun and everyone stayed upright. Kathie's seat was not adjusted right and she almost took a tumble. Luckily, Warren caught her in time before she fell. The trail was in a quiet pine forest with lots of wild flowers, and there were no vehicles allowed.

After lunch they took a dirt road trip out to Boulder Lake Reservoir in the Taylors Jeep. It was way out of town, but not too difficult a trail to follow. There was a short hike up to the earthen dam to this beautiful little lake. The guys were sorry that they hadn't brought their fishing gear as they watched the fish jumping.

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