Sunday, August 27, 2017


It's hard to remember to blog when you are having so much fun.  We had an all day drive yesterday from Brandon to Trinidad.  The 101 was washed out in many places and we had to stop for road construction in others, it was so bumpy that my stomach was upset by the time we arrived at the Sounds of the Sea Resort. That wasn't the fun part.

Our site is really great, we can see the ocean from our patio, and there is nothing behind us but huge trees. Uncle Mark is still visiting and he has a tent site that is very interesting.  Lots of gopher holes all around, he swears he hears them digging under his tent at night. Now that's fun!

Do you know why they call it "Sounds of the Sea?" Because there are seals are barking all day and night.  Today all the people went hiking while I stayed home to listen to the seals.  No one here got up early enough to catch the low tide at Palmer's Point.  But there was still plenty of stuff to see this morning, and the guys took lots of pictures of sea urchins. They took a second hike to agate beach where Kathe found two really pretty agates for Mark.

Kathe packed a lunch for them and they went for a picnic after hiking.  Now that everyone is napping I have a chance to catch you up on our adventures.  

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