Friday, August 18, 2017


Even when you are on vacation, there are still errands that you must do. Today was one of those days.

First there is the laundry. Lucky for us we have a washer and dryer so it's not really much of a chore, at least not for me.  The only thing is, for some reason on laundry day I always end up in the kitchen sink getting washed as well.  I tried hiding under the dining table to get away from Kathe, but that never seems to work.  I guess nobody likes a dirty dog.

Kathe and Jim went out to do some shopping after that. There are all kinds of stores right around our campground.  They even have a Trader Joe's. Jim was on a mission to find a new hand held shower hose as he discovered a leak in ours this morning.  Three hardware stores, two RV supply stores and one plumbing supply house later, Kathe finally put her foot down and demanded LUNCH!  They went back to Lowe's and bought a hose.  It's not the ultimate shower hose that he was looking for, but now that it's installed it works just fine.

They went to the Old Mill District for lunch.The Old Mill District is a historic areas which was formerly occupied by two lumber mills.  The area encompasses 270 acres along the Deschutes River. They ate in one of the several nice restaurants along the river.  While eating their lunch they could watch people having fun floating down the river in all kinds of boats and tubes.  It looked like fun, maybe next time they will take me along.

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