Monday, August 7, 2017


Based on all the moaning and groaning this morning I thought Jim and Kathe were never going to get out of bed.  Kathe finally hobbled to the door and let me out, but I didn't have much hope of an adventure to write about today.

After breakfast, at about 11:00 AM, they started to get out the maps and plan something for today. There was no way Jim was going to get Kathe to put on those hiking boots again today, so they compromised and picked out a couple of Jeep trails to nearby lakes.

First up was Clear Lake because it had a dirt road all around it which was fun for awhile. It was very dusty and the campground was very primitive.  No water, pit toilets, and lots of fine dirt. The lake looked fun, but us  RV campers wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes there much less overnight.

On to the next stop, Frog Lake, which was much smaller and very green.  There were thousands of tiny frogs crawling all over the place.  At first they looked like little bugs, but they were actually frogs about the size of a dime. So, back to the Jeep!  The campground wasn't much better than the one at Clear Lake, but the Frog Lake Trail intersects with the Pacific Crest Trail so they walked a little on that trail.  A very little.

Tomorrow we are off to Portland.  I'm looking forward to a nice grassy campground, keep your paws crossed for me.

1 comment:

  1. I could say something about the Moaning and Groaning... the first sentence... I was afraid to read any further...LOL
    Just kidding...then I figured it was because of the hiking.
    Love the photos!
