Sunday, August 20, 2017


We had a very busy day yesterday.  We had to change our plans to camp in Metolius for the eclipse due to all the smoke up in the northern part of Oregon.  We drove back down to Salem where the sky is blue, but our RV Park is not one of the best.  Any port in a storm.  At least we have electricity and we are with our friends.  About the best thing Jim could say about this place was that we don't have to worry about the sprinklers coming on to make spots on the motor home. That's because all the grass is dead!

Anyway as soon as we arrived yesterday we found out that we had six dead batteries in the motor home.  So, we left the Jeep in our site and made a mad dash down to Eugene to get our batteries replaced.  Then we drove back to Salem, a 100 mile round trip.  Jim drove very fast because the car wasn't attached and it made my head spin. The only good thing about the situation is that now all our air conditioners work and our slides come in and out like they are supposed to when our batteries are strong.

I'm very happy here because my friends Monet and Zeba are camping right next door and we are all going to see the eclipse together.  Last night we joined the people after dinner and all three of us took a walk together. Of course we play follow the leader, and I'm always the leader.

Today is Kathe's birthday and I expect that she will bring me home a present from the restaurant. Steak please.

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