Wednesday, August 16, 2017


They started out this morning with a lunch and a backpack.  I knew something was up, they usually only take a couple of bottles of water so that meant that they were going to be gone for a long time.

There are 10 waterfalls here in Silver Falls State Park.  They are all connected by beautiful hiking trails. Most (younger) people hike all the falls in one day.  Kathe and Jim took three days but they managed to hike them all.  They only hiked four falls the first two days we were here, so that meant that they had six more to see on our last day here.

From the trail head at Winter Falls, they hiked to Middle North Falls, Drake Falls, Double Falls, Twin Falls and Lower North Falls.  The Falls were all magnificent and they enjoyed the hiking paths, but boy were they tired when they got home.  Kathe was actually stumbling when she took me for my walk. Then we all took naps in the lounge chairs for the rest of the afternoon.

Things seem to be getting back to normal now and Jim is setting up the barbecue.  I'd better go out and supervise, maybe he is so tired that one of the hamburgers will fall on the ground.  I want to be sure it doesn't go to waste.

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