Sunday, August 13, 2017


When we went to bed last night they were predicting rain in the early hours of the morning. The prediction was a little off as it rained all night long!  I tried to wait for the rain to stop before waking Kathe, but I just had to go out at 4 AM.  And again at 6 AM.  Luckily the rain had stopped by my second time outside and we only got a little soaked.

The rest of the day was cloudy and no one felt like doing much. Kathe and Jim are "wined out," so another day of tasting was out of the question. Jim got the idea to go house hunting in McMinnville, and found a few that looked interesting on Zillow.  They found an open house to tour in an area called "Cottonwood," but there were several others for sale in the neighborhood that they liked as well. There also saw some really beautiful large homes south of town that were surrounded by an old growth forest.

Of course they were "just looking," but this is really a beautiful area.  There are many vineyards and farms surrounding the town and the weather here is very near perfect.  It's very reminiscent of the wine country in California. There are only 30,000 people living here and it's close to Portland and only 50 miles from the Pacific ocean.  We really enjoyed out short visit here and will definitely return.

Didn't take any pictures today, but here is the view of the RV Resort out our windshield.  I wanted you to show you the BLUE SKIES!

Tomorrow we will head to Silver Falls State Park for some hiking and for, you guessed it, more wine tasting.

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