Friday, August 11, 2017


We woke this morning to blue skies and some white puffy clouds.  Quite a change from our usual cloudy/smoky skies.  Maybe the winds have changed and we will get to see the eclipse after all.

Last night was another adventure. We were all settled down in bed when all of a sudden we were hit with water cannons on three sides of the coach. Well, it felt like water cannons, but it was the agricultural, super duper sprinklers, sweeping across the front, back, and the side wall right behind our heads. It was even spraying on the roof. We talked to the camp host about it this morning and he said he'd take care of it. He put a large brick on top of the sprinkler, hope that works.

We are camped next to the Evergreen Air and Space Museum, so Kathe and Jim walked over to it late this morning.  It was a fantastic museum with over 500 planes in two huge buildings. One building was dedicated to fighter and passenger planes. The centerpiece of that museum was the Spruce Goose.  It was the first time Jim had ever seen it and he was amazed at the size and the fact that it was really made of wood. The other building was dedicated to space exploration and vertical planes. Jim liked the moon landing vehicle and said it would be fun to take that on some Jeep trails.

They also saw an IMAX film called Fighter Pilot, which was about Operation Red Flag at Nellis Air Base in Las Vegas. It focused on Air Force fighter pilot, John Stratton, one of the American pilots participating in extensive training exercises with pilots from Canada, Germany, and England. It was the best IMAX film they had ever seen.

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